Sunday, February 22, 2009

Though I LOVE weekends, I am definitely glad that this one is over! Life is pretty stressful right now: Peter with work, and me with school. Friday night we were able to get out and socialize by going out to Massaki's for dinner with some of our friends. I love Teppanyaki (sp?)!!! It's fun to watch the tricks they do with the food! And the sushi at Massaki's is so fresh that it's really good!

Anyway, Saturday Peter went to play paintball, and Sam got sick. We ended up having to take her to the vet for the second time in two weeks. I am getting soooo tired of cleaning up dog poop in the house. I do give her credit for going on the tile instead of the carpet though. Now she is on medication to clear it up, and hopefully she will get better and stay that way for while. The medication does make her tired and somewhat loopy, but its cute (Im sure thats not what she thinks of it though!).

Today we slept in and took it easy. We really needed it. I hope this week is less stressful!

Friday, February 13, 2009

A Little Piece of Heaven

Today was amazing! I have wanted a waffle for over a month now, and frozen waffles don't count! No, I am NOT pregnant, I just go through phases where I want something...Anyway, I got my waffle today! It was no less than heaven! Thank you Sarah!

I am so glad it's the weekend, because this week seemed to drag on forever! And I am very excited for Valentines Day with Peter. He already gave me my Valentines Day candy and I cant wait for tomorrow! It's one of my favorite holidays because I am hopelessly romantic, and everything is pink!

Happy Weekend!