Sunday, April 18, 2010

Some Inspiration

After reading the blog of a high school acquaintance, and becoming admittingly hooked, I have decided to switch it up as far as blogging goes. I am so tired of writing a blog about what were up to - especially since we don't have kids - so I am going to follow the trend and blog about whatever I want. Hopefully this will get me more into blogging since I won't feel as if I am bragging (unless it is necessary for monumental events), and it will be more about what I really am thinking/feeling. For my first "new" blog, I am listing some of my favorite blogs that I follow, using Megan's blog as my template.

The Inspiration: JetSetMeg She has fun ideas and really tells it like it is.

The Laugh: FMYLIFE For those of us who are lifted up by others' misfortunes. Okay, so it's kind of mean, but the fact that none of mine have ever been published make me feel good too, lol.

The Dream: Chris Around the World Because you really would have to be paid to travel to be able to afford the amount of traveling she does. Plus, it helps me get out of the middle-of-nowhere funk.

So these are only really a couple of the blogs that I follow. The almost religious following of the NYTimes and the Economist don't really count as "blogs," exactly. Oh well, that's generally where you can find me anyway :)