Sunday, July 17, 2011


Yes, I have been missing in action. Again. I started my summer job, and haven't really had the time, or desire, to blog. Not that I have completed any of my projects, anyway. I have this coming week off for a family reunion, and since we aren't leaving for Williamsburg until Wednesday, I plan on using these few days to work on some of my projects that I've been scheming.

I've been making a list of the funny (to me) things kids I babysit say. Now, most of these are 'you had to be there...' or 'if you only knew the person who said it' quotes. I realize this. Also, these quotes are compiled from several families, over the past 6 months, and there are several kids that fit each age. Trying to keep this somewhat anonymous, obviously.

Age: 5
"I love vineyards."

Age: 3
Her: "This is yellow baby.
Me: "She's pink."
Her: "She had an identity crisis."

Me: "I'm so tired today."
Her: "You should take a nap."
Me: "You're my favorite."

Age: 5
Her: "There's a lake, so we must be there."
Me: "Do you know how many lakes there are in Virginia?"
Her: "Yes. But I want it to be this one. Its so lake-y."
Me: "That's a stream."

Ages: 5 and 3
3 y/o: "I like to sit on lots of people. "
5 y/o: "That's not normal."

Age: 3
"When my mommy was a boy she drove daddies car. When she was little."

Age: 3
"You be the mommy, I'll be the daddy, and I have a baby in my tummy. It will be my sister."

Age: 5
"What's wrong with you? You're so whiny."

Age: 5
Me: "You need patience. "
Her: "I dont have my patience today. It might be back tomorrow."
Next day...
Me: "I thought we talked about having patience?"
Her: "We did. It's in my drawer. I might take it out tomorrow."
Me: "That's what you said yesterday."

Now on to sleeping in for the next week :)

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