Sunday, March 8, 2009

Just a little note...

I am so happy that it is finally spring break! Spring semester always seems to take forever, and spring break means that its closer to being over. I don't have any plans for the week, but I'm thinking about going on a few day trips, along with the mountains of homework that needs to be done. I don't understand why professors think that spring break is an excuse to assign more work... I'm sad that Peter doesn't get any days off work, though. It would be so much more fun with him around.

Yesterday Peter played paintball for a few hours and I hung around the house. I contemplated seeing a movie while he was gone, but it's no fun by yourself :( When Peter got home we went to a BBQ with the guys he played paintball with and their wives. It was okay, but my favorite part was the banana split I got after. We found this cute gelato shop in Staunton that makes really good banana splits, so we've been going there a lot lately. It's all so good!

I always feel so much better when the house is clean, so I'm happy that I was able to get the house clean, or at least the downstairs, lol.

We've gotten a few requests for updated pics of the puppy, who isn't so little anymore, lol. So here you go! :)

She's big on comfort, lol

She likes to sit in front of the oven until we give her a treat...

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Your dog is so cute! I'm glad you guys are doing well!