Thursday, January 27, 2011

Busy [Queen] Bee

You know, it's so weird. Life can be busy without it really being busy. I guess it seems inaccurately busy. I measure how busy my life is based on how much I accomplish, not really the effort of time spent. I will spend an entire day grocery shopping (going to multiple places depending on weekly specials and Walmart for everything else) and then look at what I bought and think to myself "I did one thing today, and there's not even that much here. I needed to get _____ done too." When in reality, I went to up to 3 or 4 stores and battled the lines (I swear the stores always seem busy), and it took 4-5 hours on top of it all. Not a whole lot accomplished; it just feels like I should have gotten a lot more done.

'Queen' was used in the title because I am definitely not a worker bee (that would be Peter, since he does most of the work), while the queen bee does relatively little in comparison. I have no idea how people with kids get anything done. I find it difficult with a dog.

Anyway, this isn't the post that I intended to write. I should work on becoming a better writer by using the word "I" a lot less. Just a note to self.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

I've had Blogger open on a tab all day, hoping that I would get around to a post eventually. It's taken me a while to come up with a few resolutions, since in the past I've mainly done it as a fad-like thing my friends were 'doing' (but never followed up with). For some reason, I don't know why, I've felt the urge to follow through this year as much as I can. So, I guess I need to make a few that are actually realistic, huh?

1. Read 1 book a month from the 'Great Classics' list. Maybe 2 months, depending on the book. [Alison, you'll have to help me with this one!]
2. Learn more about cooking. [Julia Child, anyone?]
3. Be more patient. With Kona, Peter, life...It is a virtue, after all ;)
4. Take more pictures. Of the almost 3 years we've been married, we have taken almost no pictures. Part of that is due to not having kids, and part can be attributed to laziness.

I'm sure I will add to these...we'll see when that happens. Happy 2011!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Welcome, 2011

...So long 2010, it's been great, but don't let the door hit you on the way out!

A lot happened in the last year. Looking back, my biggest accomplishment was graduating college, hands down. While I can look back on other things Peter and I have done, no need to re-list any, I am looking forward to what the next year has to bring.

I know, this is a week-ish late...but that is apparently how I do things :)